Scripture in the Divine Liturgy

Opening Doxology [“Blessed in the Kingdom…] Mark: 11:10; Luke: 22:29-30, Matthew: 28:19; Revelation: 7:12.
The Great Litany – Philippians: 4:6-7; Psalm 51:1 Luke: 18:13; John: 14:27; 1 Timothy: 2:1-2;
1 Hebrews: 13:7; Psalm 109:26; Luke: 1:42.
The First Antiphon – [“Bless the Lord, O my soul”]. Selected verses from Psalm 103.
The Second Antiphon – [“Praise the Lord, O my soul”]. Psalm 103.
The Hymn to Christ Incarnate – [“Only- begotten Son…,”]. John: 1:1, 3:16, 17:5, 19:18; Luke: 1:35; Hebrews: 2:14; Matthew: 8:25.
The Third Antiphon – [The Beatitudes] Matthew: 5:3-12.
The Little Entrance – [“Come let us worship..,] Psalm 95:1-6; Revelation: 7:11-12.
The Trisagion – [“Holy God, Holy Mighty…,”] Isaiah: 6:1-5; Revelation: 8:8.
Prokeimenon – Psalms 12:7,1; 28:9,1; 29:11,1; 33:22,1; 47:6,1; 76:11,1; 104:24,1; 118:14,18.
The Epistle – readings change daily, from the Epistles or Acts of the Apostles.
The Allelulia – Psalms 113:1; 135:1; 146:1; Revelation: 19: 1-6.
The Gospel – readings change daily. The Sermon – 1 Timothy: 4:13.
The Cherubic Hymn – [“Let us who mystically..”] Colossians: 3:12; Pslam 24; Revelations: 19:1-6.
The Great Entrance – Psalm 43:4; Matthew: 5: 23-24; Hebrews: 5:1.
The Peace – [“Peace be unto all…”]. John: 20: 9,21,26. 1 John 4:7; 1 Peter: 3:8; Philippians:2-2.
The Eucharistic Canon – [“Let us stand aright”] Leviticus: 3:1; Hebrews: 13:14-15; Hosea: 6:6; Psalm 49:19; Matthew: 9:13; Corinthians: 13:14; 2 Timothy: 4:22; Lamentations: 3:41.
The Eucharistic Prayer – [“Holy, Holy, Holy…” through the Consecration]. Isaiah: 6:3; Mark: 11:10; Matthew: 21:9; Corinthians: 11:23-24; Matthew: 26:26-28; John: 6:51; Luke: 22:20; Mark: 14: 23-24; Corinthians: 29: 14, 16; Romans: 21:1.
Hymn to the Theotokos – [“It is truly right…”]. Luke: 1:28, 42, 48.
The Concluding Eucharistic Prayers – 2 Maccabees: 12:44-45; 1 Timothy: 2:2; 2 Timothy: 2:15; Romans: 15:6; Titus: 2:13; Revelations:22:21
The Litany before the Lord’s Prayer – Ephesians: 5:2; Philippians: 4:18; 1 Peter: 3:15; Corinthians: 5:10; Ephesians: 4:13; Philippians: 2:1.
The Lord’s Prayer – Matthew: 6:9-13; Corinthians 29:11.
The Elevation of the Holy Gifts – [“Holy things are for the Holy.”] Leviticus: 11:44; Philippians: 2:10-11.
The Communion Hymn – [“Praise the Lord…”] Psalm 148:1.
The Eucharist – 1 Corinthians: 11:27-29; Matthew: 16:16; 1 Timothy: 1:15; Mark: 14:45; Luke: 23:42- 43; Isaiah: 6:7; 1 Timothy: 1:14; James: 4:8; Psalm 118: 26-27; Psalm: 34:8; 1 Peter: 1:19; John: 6: 32-35, 48-58; Psalm 116:13; Psalm 28:0.
Hymns after Holy Communion – [“We have received the true Light..”]. John: 1:9; Rev.: 3-14; Psalm 71:8; Chronicles: 16:9; Ephesians: 3:9.
Litany after Communion – Judges 18:6; Colossians: 3:17; Mark: 11:9.
Prayer behind the Ambo – [“O Lord, who blesses those who…”]. Genesis 12:3; Psalm 28:9, Psalm 26.8; Psalm 138:81, 1 Timothy: 2:2; James: 1:17.
“Blessed be the name of the Lord, from this time forth and for evermore!” -Psalm 113:2.
“The blessing of the Lord”– Psalm 129:8; 2 Corinthians 13:14.
The Dismisal – 1 Timothy: 1:1.
—Compiled by V. Rev. John J. Matusiak St. Joseph Russian Orthodox Church, OCA, Wheaton, IL