The Gift of Great Lent.
My spiritual sons and daughters heed the good words written by Abbot Tryphon, and set your course accordingly. The forty days of Great Lent will come and go with or without you. Now is the time to make a plan and use this time faithfully.
Plan now how your family will fast. Strictly following guidelines or not but at least have a goal.
Consider a fast as well from all or part of your media diet.
Fast from unkind words, thoughts, actions, profanity.
Pray the prayer of St. Ephrem daily three times.
Give alms to church as well as other places. This will most definitely teach you about how much you desire control over what God has given you.
Read a good book.
Spend time in quiet. ‘Be still and know that I am God.’
Attend as many services as possible. The services help define the time and direct our thoughts along the path of repentance.
Stop delaying and making excuses as to why you are unable to embrace the grace of Lenten help.
Remember: If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time