We ascend to the heavens not through earthly striving but by humbling ourselves spiritually. He who goes low goes sure and never falls.
Ours is an age of sensationalism and hullabaloo. But the spiritual life is not noisy.
Divine enlightenment is required and when it’s not there the person abides in darkness.
He may act out of good intentions but create many problems in his confusion, both for the Church and for society.
There was a time when the Holy Spirit enlightened us and showed us the way.
A grand business!
Today it finds no reason to descend to us. Difficult years are ahead.
The Old Testament Tower of Babel was child’s play compared with our age.
The Seal of the Antichrist Becomes a Reality… It’s possible that you’ll live through much of which is described in the Book of Revelations. Much is coming to the surface, little by little.
The situation is horrible.
Madness has gone beyond all bounds. Apostasy is upon us, and now the only thing left is for the ’son of perdition’ (2 Thess. 2:3) to come. The world has turned into a madhouse. A great confusion will reign, in which each government will begin to do whatever comes into its head. We’ll see how the most unlikely, the most insane, events will happen.
Elder Paisius of the Holy Mountain.