One of the fundamental methods of curing the soul[from the disease of sin, death, and corruption] is stillness [i.e., hesychia] in the full sense of the word.
Contemporary man is seeking healing for his life, especially for his inner condition, precisely because he is over-strained.
Therefore one of the messages which Orthodoxy can offer to the contemporary weary, discouraged, and floundering world is the message of silence…
We have the impression that hesychia and hesychasm are among the most basic medicines for gaining inner health.
And since lack of silence is what creates the problems, the pressures, anxiety and insecurity, as well as the psychological, psychical and physical illnesses, we shall try to look at their causes, which is anti-hesychasm. The anti-hesychastic desert wind that is blowing and burning everything is prevalent everywhere and is the dominant cause of this abnormal situation.
Metropolitan Hierotheos Vlachos, Orthodox Faith